Why Your Organization Needs a File Server Archiving Solution?

Why Your Organization Needs a File Server Archiving Solution?

File Server Archiving

With a surge in data volumes, there is a dire need for data storage management. This critical need can be addressed using file server archiving software.

As the amount of data generated and stored by businesses continues to grow, the need for efficient storage solutions has become even more crucial.

In today’s fast-paced technological world, every business must have an efficient storage and data management solution.

This blog will discuss the top reasons your organization needs a file server archiving solution.

  • Adhering to Compliance and Regulations
  • Long-Term Retention Of Archived Data
  • Enhanced Data Security
  • Efficient Storage Management
  • Decreased Operating Costs
  • Enhanced E-Discovery
  • Quick Access To Archived Emails
  • Mitigate The Risk Of Data Loss

Let’s dive into the details of each so that you have a better understanding of them:

1. Adhering to Compliance and Regulations

Adhering to Compliance and Regulations

With time, compliance requirements have increased and become vital for every organization. Businesses must comply with these regulations and store specific files and records longer.

File server archiving solutions are designed to help organizations comply with various regulatory requirements for data retention.

When you utilize a file server archiving solution, you’re proactively meeting data compliance requirements.

This ensures that your business adheres to the necessary regulations, which can vary depending on your industry and location.

By implementing an archiving solution, you’re safeguarding your company’s reputation and reducing the risk of potential fines or penalties.

In addition, in the event of an audit, you’ll have easy access to well-organized, archived data, demonstrating your commitment to data compliance and security.

These solutions can also help you manage data retention policies more efficiently.

With a proper archiving system in place, you can automate the process, ensuring that your files are stored for the required periods and deleted when they’re no longer needed.

Additionally, file server archiving solutions can enhance the security of your sensitive data.

By enforcing strict access controls and monitoring activity, you can minimize the risk of data breaches and protect your business from potential legal consequences.

2. Long-Term Retention Of Archived Data

Long-Term Retention Of Archived Data

Organizations in different industries have different retention requirements obliged by compliance laws.

It is vital for the organizations to adhere to specific files for a specified time limit.

Organizations should retain their email communications and files for a specified period based on the data classification before deleting them.

Retention policies are crucial for businesses to comply with regulatory requirements.

File server archiving solutions can be set up to comply with specific retention policies, ensuring that archived emails are kept for the required period.

This can be especially helpful for companies in the financial services sector, where regulatory requirements are stricter than in other sectors.

Retaining essential data is not an option but rather a requirement by law.

For instance, financial services may be required to retain data for up to seven years, while healthcare organizations may be required to maintain data for much longer.

With file server archiving solutions, companies can easily comply with these regulations by setting retention policies for different categories of data, ensuring that they are archived for the appropriate period.

3. Enhanced Data Security

Enhanced Data Security

With increasing technology, there is also a spike in cyber attacks. Hackers have derived new ways to gobble up sensitive files of any organization resulting in hefty losses.

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Therefore, it is of paramount importance for companies to take measures to protect their sensitive data from unauthorized access, cyber-attacks, and malware infections.

According to a report by IBM, data breaches cost approximately USD 4.35 million loss in 2022 in the US.

This shows how much revenue is lost due to cyber attacks, making it essential for organizations to have data security systems in place.

File server archiving solutions provide an extra layer of security by ensuring that sensitive data is stored offline, away from prying eyes.

These solutions also employ advanced security measures such as 256-bit AES encryption, which ensures that only allowed personnel can access the archived data.

By providing enhanced security measures, a file server archiving software ensures that your sensitive data is kept safe from unauthorized access.

256-Bit AES encryption feature protects your company’s archives from hackers and other malicious attacks.

4. Efficient Storage Management

Efficient Storage Management

Organizations produce and manage a lot of data, which can quickly fill up storage space. File server archiving solutions help address this by moving less frequently accessed data to offline storage or cloud-based file servers.

This frees up space on primary storage and reduces the amount of data that needs to be backed up, reducing backup service costs.

Cloud-based file servers often offer virtually unlimited storage space. This helps to store large amounts of data in an efficient and accessible way.

Archiving your sensitive files using a file server archiving solution can also help you comply with retention policies. Companies can focus on regulatory requirements and compliance regulations through long-term data retention.

5. Decreased Operating Costs

Decreased Operating Costs

Many assume a file server archiving solution providing numerous storage solutions will be pricey. But to your surprise, a file archiving server is relatively cost-effective.

By archiving data no longer needed on primary storage, companies can save significant money on storage costs. However, primary storage is expensive, and storing large amounts of static data can lead to unnecessary expenses.

By moving this data to a lower-cost storage solution, such as cloud-based servers or object storage, companies can reduce operating costs while maintaining continued access to the data.

Running an email server requires significant hardware and software costs, which can be costly for businesses. File server archiving solutions can help you reduce these costs by archiving your email communications in bulk.

In addition, this will free up space on your primary mail server, reducing your company’s operating costs.

6. Enhanced E-Discovery

Enhanced E-Discovery

A file server archiving solution provides a powerful search facility that allows for full-text searches of email content and archived files.

This search capability is essential for organizations that need to comply with e-discovery legal requirements.

Legal documents and sensitive data can be easily searched and retrieved with a file server archiving solution.

Emails can be quickly and efficiently accessed by categorizing them into various categories, such as outgoing emails, mobile communication, and individual emails, providing organizations with increased organization and ease of use.

This capability ensures that organizations can meet their legal obligations for e-discovery software requirements.

In the event of litigation or regulatory investigation, companies are required to produce relevant data in a timely manner.

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Using file server archiving solutions helps companies quickly find important data and saves time and money on e-discovery legal obligations.

These solutions ensure companies can comply with legal and regulatory requirements by providing secure, tamper-proof archives of sensitive data.

7. Quick Access To Archived Emails

Quick Access To Archived Emails

A file server archiving solution can provide quick access to archived emails, allowing your employees to retrieve any necessary emails from the archive.

This feature ensures that allowed personnel can quickly and easily retrieve archived emails when required.

This is important in cases where emails need to be retrieved in response to regulatory or legal requests or when emails need to be recovered to support ongoing business operations.

With full-text searches, your employees can quickly locate any email content, attachments, or individual emails.

It also ensures continued access to emails, even if the employee who sent or received them is no longer with the company.

This is especially important for businesses in highly regulated industries such as financial services, where regulatory compliance requires long-term retention of email communications.

Businesses with mobile communication needs can benefit from quick access to archived emails, as employees can easily retrieve emails on the go.

8. Mitigate The Risk Of Data Loss

Mitigate The Risk Of Data Loss

In today’s business world, companies generate and store vast amounts of data, including emails, digital files, and other electronic communications.

Consequently, it is crucial to protect this information from potential loss. A valuable approach to mitigate the risk of data loss is to adopt file server archiving solutions.

File server archiving solutions allow organizations to mitigate the risk of data loss in various ways. Utilizing file server archiving solutions for businesses offers two primary advantages.

Firstly, it guarantees adherence to regulatory and legal obligations. Secondly, it effectively minimizes the possibility of data loss that may arise as a result of malware infections.

Thirdly, file server archiving solutions also prevent loss due to accidental deletion or hardware failure.

Implementing a file server archiving solution allows for an additional level of safeguarding against potential data loss incidents, as it involves the secure storage of electronic communications and emails in a separate, offline system.

The Bottom Line

If you’re looking to ensure data security and maintain regulatory compliance, file server archiving software is your best option.

A file server archiving solution helps to improve storage management, reduce operating costs, and provide quick access to archived emails.

By keeping these requirements in mind, you can choose a file server archiving solution that meets your company’s specific needs and requirements.

ShareArchiver offers a unique file server archiving software providing email archiving, a secure email gateway, and advanced search features.

The features of our archiving software are supported by robust security protocols and 256-Bit AES Encryption. Explore our software today and acquire solutions tailored to your requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the key benefits of implementing a file server archiving solution?

A file server archiving solution helps organizations comply with regulatory requirements, enhance data security, and improve storage management. It can also decrease operating costs, streamline e-discovery processes, and provide quick access to archived emails. Moreover, it mitigates the risk of data loss and ensures long-term retention of crucial data.

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2. How do file server archiving solutions help with compliance and regulations?

File server archiving solutions help organizations adhere to various regulatory requirements for data retention by automating the process and storing files for required periods. They also enable companies to efficiently manage data retention policies. In the event of an audit, organizations have easy access to well-organized, archived data, demonstrating compliance commitment.

3. Can file server archiving solutions enhance data security?

Yes, file server archiving solutions enhance data security by enforcing strict access controls and monitoring activity. They also provide an extra layer of security by storing sensitive data offline or in encrypted form. Advanced security measures like 256-bit AES encryption help protect archived data from unauthorized access and cyber threats.

4. How do file server archiving solutions improve storage management?

File server archiving solutions improve storage management by moving less frequently accessed data to offline storage or cloud-based file servers. This frees up space on primary storage and reduces the amount of data that needs to be backed up. Cloud-based file servers offer virtually unlimited storage space, ensuring efficient and accessible storage.

5. Are file server archiving solutions cost-effective?

Yes, file server archiving solutions are cost-effective as they help organizations save on storage costs by moving less frequently accessed data to lower-cost storage solutions. By freeing up space on primary storage, companies can reduce their operating costs while maintaining access to archived data.

6. Does file server archiving solutions support e-discovery?

File server archiving solutions provide powerful search capabilities that allow for full-text searches of email content and archived files. This helps organizations meet legal obligations for e-discovery requirements by quickly locating and retrieving important data. In the event of litigation or regulatory investigation, companies can save time and money by efficiently producing relevant data.

7. Can file server archiving solutions provide quick access to archived emails?

Yes, file server archiving solutions enable quick access to archived emails, allowing authorized personnel to easily retrieve necessary emails when required. Full-text search capabilities help locate email content, attachments, or individual emails, ensuring continued access even if the sender or recipient is no longer with the company.

8. How do file server archiving solutions mitigate the risk of data loss?

File server archiving solutions mitigate the risk of data loss by securely storing electronic communications and emails in a separate, offline system. They ensure adherence to regulatory and legal obligations and minimize potential data loss incidents caused by malware infections, accidental deletion, or hardware failure.

9. Is long-term data retention supported by file server archiving solutions?

Yes, file server archiving solutions support long-term data retention by allowing organizations to set retention policies for different categories of data. This ensures that data is archived for the appropriate period, helping companies comply with industry-specific regulations and legal requirements for data storage.

10. What kind of organizations can benefit from file server archiving solutions?

Organizations in various industries, especially those with strict regulatory requirements like financial services and healthcare, can benefit from file server archiving solutions. These solutions help businesses maintain compliance, enhance data security, manage storage efficiently, and provide easy access to archived data.