How Media File Archiving Optimizes Gaming Companies’ Efficiency

Media File Archiving

The gaming industry is one of today’s most competitive environments, in large part because it is poised for continuing growth and increased revenue. Attracting new customers and keeping them engaged is one of the biggest challenges that gaming companies are facing. So, how can you leverage economies of scale? The answer to this question often lies in the efficient use of existing assets, and innovative media archiving software can help optimize that efficiency in a number of ways.

Chances are, your company offers digital content that consumes dozens of terabytes of data storage, and though these robust file types provide end users a rich and intriguing experience, they also create a real challenge of how to manage those assets. The more scattered your data becomes the less accessible it is, and the more it costs your company – thus lowering your overall efficiency.

If you are a gaming company executive, you need to optimize your internal efficiency while still succeeding in providing the experience that your customers have come to expect. Here are 3 ways media file server archiving can help.

Increase Access to Rich Media Assets for Reuse

You’re already investing countless resources in the development of new digital content, so when it is haphazardly stored or poorly cataloged you don’t achieve the full value of that investment. Furthermore, it does not get the benefit of version control, fast data backups, or streamlined disaster recovery.

Digital asset data management systems can help your gaming company eliminate the complications of disparate file formats and disorganized storage, providing you with fast, real-time access to these assets in addition to the ability to reuse them in brand new contexts or on multiple platforms at a significantly lower cost.

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Improved Data Analysis

Data storage management systems provide media file archiving that is not only easily searchable and highly structured but is also organized by which assets have the most value. If you see a pattern of file types or storage amounts, you can identify what is working well in terms of format and size. By collecting and interpreting this data to plan for future game releases, you are able to optimize the productivity of your team and deliver a product end users will respond positively to.

Cloud Media File Archiving for Immediate Global Accessibility

The advent of inexpensive storage in the cloud has done more than simply reduce the need for expensive onsite hardware and data centers. It has also provided accelerated access to rich media files in the uninterrupted way that gamers demand. With an estimated $20 billion in annual revenue in the United States and more than two billion video game players in the world accessing over 50 TB of data/day, the need for both file storage and accessibility is no longer optional.

As a gaming company, your media files are your most valuable assets. They are where your biggest investments have been made and what keeps your customers coming back for more. Therefore, it is essential that you equip yourself with a media file archiving system that provides you with the best, most secure data storage so you can continue providing your customers with the access and experience that they demand.

Contact ShareArchiver today to see how we can help you realize your data’s full potential.

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