File Archiving Made Easy

If you are part of a growing organization, then it is likely that you are aware of the problem posed by data storage. From the most basic issue of users quickly finding that they can no longer send or receive email because they have exceeded their storage limits, to the more high-level issues of important data needing to be archived in a way that allows for both security and easy access for those with authority, finding the best answer to a file archiving is a common problem.

It is not at all unusual for companies to first attempt a grassroots effort to address the issue. We are constantly being called in to create a fix after an ambitious effort by an insider tasked with doing a job that was beyond their ability, pay grade or the resources that they had to work with. Most companies think that file archiving is something that they can fix manually by having one of their technical people oversee the process of moving data to one location, without them having the tools that they need. But beyond lacking the know-how that comes with specialization, the problems that an enterprise encounters when trying to approach file archiving without the benefit of a comprehensive solution like the ones that we offer are many.

The first problem generally boils down to the same problem that always afflicts a growing company – a lack of communication between departments. Though a single instruction may be dispersed from the I.T. department, each department and department head believes that their own needs are somehow different from everybody else’s, and this creates issues of compliance. Everybody interprets the instructions they have been given in a different way based on their own types of materials, and that makes implementation difficult.

Beyond that issue, a manual approach is generally complicated by the fact that the process is time-consuming, involves human error, and that it can be expensive because it requires so much attention and time from so many individuals who are supposed to be completing other tasks and attending to other responsibilities. Beyond that there are problems with the lack of sophistication of these approaches preventing easy access because no stubs are tagged onto the data that’s been stored, there is generally little automation involved in the process which makes the chance of error greater, and there is always the possibility that a mistake can be made and data can be mis-archived or overwritten. Finally, if the insider who has created the program leaves the company, there is often a lack of knowledge about how to continue or access the process.


By utilizing the services of a professional company such as Share Archiver, you eliminate all of these problems and provide yourself with simple answers. Share Archiver’s automated file archiving service not only provides an answer to the need for storage resources for information that is rarely needed, but it does so in a way that still allows for high levels of security, immediate access whenever it’s needed, and uniformity within the process. Additionally, it provides the benefit of being able to search data and retrieve information at the touch of a button. For more information on how to provide your organization with the ability to archive data and have it available for immediate retrieval while still providing administrative control, contact us today.