Is Cloud Data Migration The Right Strategy for Your Business

cloud data migration

In this digital landscape where you are more connected to your customers and stakeholders online than offline, the question of migrating all your organizational data to the cloud always looms large. Probably, you are looking into its answer because cloud data migration seems like a one-stop solution for multiple challenges you face in terms of data security, compliance, or business scalability. Whatever the reasons you have, it’s time to know all the situations that make cloud data migration the right strategy for your reasons.


Let’s get started and uncover them one by one.

  • Scalability
  • Cost-Effectiveness
  • Accessibility
  • Data Security
  • Disaster recovery and business continuity
  • Innovation
  • Reduced Maintenance Burden
  • Global Reach


The very first reason that makes most businesses consider cloud data migration is scalability. If you are running a business with fluctuating demand and growth, you can make the most of cloud data storage. It’s because you can shrink or expand your storage based on your business operation and demands. Businesses seeking scalability should consider this strategy.


If your business goal is to save your money while running a robust IT Infrastructure, then cloud data migration is the best option to consider. When you compare the cost of maintaining on-premises infrastructure with that of digital infrastructure, you find out that cloud data migration is a cost-effective option.

When you keep all the data on a cloud platform such as ShareaAchiver, you pay what you use. And thereby, you won’t have to pay any upfront cost of purchasing any hardware. Besides, you also save the money that you would otherwise spend on ongoing repair and maintenance of in-house infrastructure. 

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Many businesses shifted to the digital world after the pandemic. Remote work became a norm after that. In that scenario, keeping all the data in the cloud platform offers accessibility options to everyone matter where your employees are located, they can work on a project with your in-house team. 

Data Security

When your data is secured only in-house then chances of data breach and losses are extreme due to natural disasters. However, when you secure all the data on the cloud, then data will be present in more than one place. As there are multiple copies of your data, you can recover the data from a backup in case it gets lost. If you migrate all the data to the cloud, then the cloud platform offers multiple security options such as encryption, authentication, access control, etc. As a result, no unauthorized person can access your data. Besides, your data will remain secure. So, when your business wants to deal with the challenges of data security, you can consider cloud data migration as your best strategy.

Disaster recovery and business continuity

Natural disasters disrupt business operations by damaging cloud data and you find it hard to continue doing business or lose your client/profit. However, when all the data remains stored on a reliable cloud platform such as Sharearchiver, then you can make the most of its data recovery features. It offers data replication and automated backup options. If hardware gets damaged or stops working, you don’t have to worry about data recovery as you can resume all the operations without facing any downtime.

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Cloud service providers such as Sharearchiver offer advanced tools and services such as machine learning, data analytics, etc. Now if you have a social media presence where you get comments and feedback from your customers, you can easily use data analytics tools to use this feedback for your business gain. For example, if you can interpret customer feedback and analyze reviews, it helps you improve your product. Your business can stay competitive in the industry by relying on innovative tools of cloud data service providers.

Reduced Maintenance Burden

If you maintain IT Infrastructure in-house then you need to spend money on its ongoing maintenance, troubleshooting and upgrade. It will require investment of time and resources, not just money. On the flip side, when you migrate data to the cloud then you don’t need to spend money on its ongoing maintenance. 

Your business can offload all the burden to cloud data service providers. So, if you don’t want to consume your physical or human resources, then cloud data migration can deliver you cost efficiency. Cloud service providers will handle all the workload while your IT Staff can focus on something else, which needs their attention the most.

Global Reach

If you have a plan to expand your business horizon in other countries or regions around the globe, cloud data migration is certainly the best strategy. Your data can be accessed remotely. You won’t need to build or maintain local IT Infrastructure. It means a cloud platform like ShareArchiver allows you to expand your business horizon globally without spending any extra money on local setups.

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Wrap up

Finally, you have all the situations where you find out that cloud data migration is the right strategy to apply for your business. Whether you want to boost data security or plan to analyze large amounts of structured or unstructured data, cloud platforms like Sharearchivers come to help you. It allows you to get meaningful insight from your data. Instead of running an in-house IT Infrastructure, you can save your money and resources by relying only on cloud portals. Businesses of every size and scale can benefit from this portal as it offers you a chance of up or down-scaling your business on demand.