The Challenges of Legacy Systems: A Guide to Healthcare Data Migration

Guide to Healthcare Data Migration

The healthcare sector deals with multiple patients every day. Each patient’s information is stored in the form of data. The stored data might include patient medical history, collective health records, demographics of diseases, and healthcare financial operations.

There is a legacy system that stores healthcare data – an outdated technology solution in use within the industry. Healthcare facilities often need help to optimize these outdated legacy systems.

Therefore, the healthcare sector recognizes the problems associated with data storage as essential for optimum performance. Subsequently, this article will give you a guide to healthcare data migration to cloud solutions and the challenges healthcare facilities face when using legacy systems.

What is a Legacy system?

A legacy system is an outdated software or hardware application an organization uses. Additionally, it’s a system that no longer meets an organization’s technological needs. Similarly, a system that doesn’t get updated to meet the needs of a growing organization will not fulfill its increasing expectations. For this reason, an organization might need to go through a data migration.

Challenges of a Legacy System

First and foremost, legacy systems lack the deep data insight required for making decisions and verifying information. In contrast, modern, updated software can provide efficient data insights that meet the organization’s demands.

Secondly, with legacy systems, there are higher risks of security breaches. This is because old, outdated software stops receiving updates over time. This leaves the organization’s data vulnerable to hacking, consequently compromising the company’s data security.

Lastly and most importantly, legacy systems are often not compatible with the evolving software scene. Using a stand-alone system might reduce an organization’s flexibility and scalability. Therefore, if an organization has an updated flexible data management system, it can eventually take better advantage of modern technologies.

Consequently, An organization might need to migrate data to overcome these challenges.

Understanding Data Migration

The data migration process involves transferring data from an outdated or in-house storage system to a new or advanced system. Transferring data to online cloud storage is essential to this process.

An organization should select a data storage solution that meets its data management requirements. ShareArchiver is one such online archiving solution that provides cloud data migration servicesWith ShareArchiver software, you gain access to key features of cloud migration services to simplify, secure, and simplify your organization’s data migration process.

Why is Healthcare Data Migration Necessary 

Organizations continuously look for efficient ways to store, manage, and protect their data. Data migration is a strategic move that can evolve a health organization’s efficiency and help provide premium care. Healthcare organizations are always looking to optimize their performance by improving data storage, getting easy access to files, and enhancing security. In practice, there are many other benefits of data migration, which include:

Compliance with Regulations

Compliance with regulation is a major concern for all healthcare organizations. The modern data solutions are equipped with compliance features. These features ensure the maintained data aligns with the standard regulations.

Improved Efficiency

Modern data archiving solutions operate with improved efficiency. Moreover, healthcare organizations can process, analyze, and retrieve data swiftly. As a result, healthcare providers can make informed decisions faster and provide improved healthcare service.

Reduced Cost

The maintenance of old legacy systems requires constant maintenance and support, which incurs high costs. The data migration to a modernized solution eliminates unnecessary maintenance costs, resulting in more strategic resource allocation.

Enhanced Data Security

Legacy systems often fail to handle data breaches and cyber-attacks effectively. In contrast, Data migration ensures enhanced data security. Advanced security features and encryption protocols ensure the safety of sensitive information in modern data archiving solutions.

Improved Collaboration

Data Migration system facilitates improved collaboration. Modern data systems allow collaboration between different departments. Healthcare organizations benefit greatly from an improved collaboration system, allowing different healthcare providers to exchange healthcare data. 

The free flow of information between healthcare providers allows them to develop better treatment plans and optimize patient care.

Scalability and Growth

Last, and most importantly, Old legacy systems can become overloaded as organizations expand. Modern data systems are inherently scalable, allowing health organizations to accommodate growing patient data. Scalability offers flexibility and supports future growth without the limitations of outdated technology.

Phases of Healthcare Data Migration

The data migration process requires forming a strategy to ensure seamless data relocation without missing any data or experiencing system failures. During the migration, the target data goes through four different phases, which include

Data Analysis

Firstly, the target data needs to be analyzed. During the data analysis phase, it is essential to identify which data in the legacy system needs to be transferred, which data needs to be destroyed, and which data needs to be stored for the long-term perspective.

Data Structuring

Healthcare is heterogeneous; it includes medical records, medical imaging, health surveys, etc. Hence, this data must be structured and classified before migrating to a new storage location. This phase will help the organizations sort and easily access data after relocation.

Data Conversion

Healthcare organizations often store data in a particular format. The data conversion phase ensures the data from the old system is compatible with the required format of the new data system. 

Subsequently, protection should be ensured in this phase to avoid data loss.

Data Migration

 The target data can be migrated to the new system after careful analysis, structuring, and conversion. Moreover, the complexity of data migration depends upon data volume, data format, system requirements, and the capability of migration tools.

This brings us to the next step of choosing the right migration tool that best meets the organization’s requirements.

Healthcare Data Migration Tools

Choosing the right data migration tool depends upon the type of data that needs to be relocated, its quality, and the healthcare organization’s budget.

The most common options for healthcare data migration tools include

Self-Scripted Tools

When the target data is small in volume and well-structured (rare in the healthcare industry), an organization’s in-house team can formulate scripted tools. These scripted tools usually include a simple code to arrange a few-step process.

Self-scripted tools are usually solutions for insignificant amounts of data and do not ensure high-quality migration.

On-Premises Data Migration Tools

On-premises data migration tools are designed to be deployed inside an organization’s infrastructure. These tools work by migrating data between two servers or systems within an organization.

Healthcare organizations usually opt for this migration tool through server upgrades or database migrations within the same infrastructure. The on-premises migration tool is ideal when maintaining control over data security, and compliance is crucial.

Cloud Data Migrating Tool 

Cloud data migrating tools are the most advanced data migration solution. These solutions are designed to transfer data to and from cloud-based services and platforms. Cloud-based migration allows healthcare specialists to focus on scalability and security during migration.

When choosing a cloud-based solution, you may be subjected to restrictions or regulatory acts, but it is important to remember that you have the power to research and comply with these requirements.

The sensitive nature of healthcare data poses a few challenges for the migration process. Read on to learn about the challenges associated with the migration process.

Healthcare Data Migration Problems

Lack of Planning

Lack of planning may lead to unnecessary complications in the migration process. Firstly, insufficient planning while choosing a migration tool may result in data loss

Secondly, poor data analysis may lead to downtime and higher costs.

Lastly, poor data mapping may result in data duplication or alteration.

Poor Data Quality

Each Healthcare organization has a specific data format it follows. Before starting a healthcare data migration process, an organization should work on its data quality. The data in various formats should be streamlined to ensure a smooth transition.

A lack of structure in data sets can cause a hindrance in an otherwise smooth relocation process.

Data Security and Compliance Requirements

The most important challenge is to select a migration tool that complies with all the regulatory acts and provides optimum data security. The right approach is to partner with a tech-savvy vendor with experience in the health industry.


In summary, data migration from legacy systems is the bridge to a brighter digital future. It provides the benefits of efficiency, security, and scalability while acknowledging the challenges of data loss, compatibility, and change.