9 Best Practices for Secure Data Archiving and Protection

9 Best Practices for Secure Data Archiving and Protection

In our interconnected, data-driven world, data is the new gold.

It fuels business operations and drives decision-making.

Yet, we all know that a single mishap could lead to unauthorized access or loss of crucial data, devastatingly impacting businesses and individuals.

Therefore, adopting secure data archiving and protection practices is essential to safeguard your precious data.

This article comprehensively guides the best secure data archiving and protection practices.

So read on, and let’s dig deep into these practices that can fortify your data fortress.

1 – Regularly Backup Critical Data

The core of file archiving is regular data backup.

Regular backup of data is a fundamental best practice for file archiving that involves creating duplicate copies of your files and storing them separately from the original data source.

When done right, it ensures data security and integrity against unauthorized users. However, data loss, hacking, or unauthorized access may occur in case of errors.

This process is crucial for several reasons.

Firstly, it ensures the preservation and availability of important information in case of accidental deletion, hardware failure, malware attacks, or natural disasters.

By maintaining regular backups, you can quickly restore your files and minimize downtime, enabling business continuity and reducing the risk of data loss.

Secondly, backups provide extra protection against cybersecurity threats like ransomware.

In the event of a security breach, having clean backup copies allows you to restore your systems to a known good state and avoid paying a ransom or losing critical data.

Actionable Steps

  • Identify critical data: Determine which files, databases, or folders are essential for your operations and must be backed up.
  • Choose backup methods: Select the appropriate backup methods based on your requirements, such as full backups, incremental backups, or differential backups. Consider factors like data size, frequency of changes, and available resources.
  • Select storage medium: Decide on the medium that suits your needs and budget. Options include external hard drives, network attached storage (NAS), or cloud storage services.
  • Implement backup software: Utilize backup software or tools that offer features like scheduling, encryption, compression, and reporting. This automation simplifies the backup process and ensures consistency.
  • Set up a backup schedule: Configure the backup software to run backups at regular intervals, considering the importance of your data and the rate at which it changes. Standard frequencies are daily, weekly, or monthly.
  • Define backup locations: Determine where your backup copies will be stored. Keeping backups in separate physical or logical locations is essential to protect against physical damage or system failures.
  • Test and verify backups: Regularly test and verify the integrity of your backups by performing recovery tests. This ensures that your backups are functional and can be restored successfully.
  • Monitor and maintain: Keep track of backup logs, storage space availability, and error messages. Monitor the backup process to ensure it runs smoothly and maintain regular updates and checks.

2 – Implement Encryption during Storage and Transmission

Implementing encryption during data transmission and storage is a crucial best practice for file archiving that helps protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and data breaches.

Encryption transforms data into an unreadable format using cryptographic algorithms, ensuring that even if the data is intercepted or stolen, it remains unintelligible to unauthorized individuals.

The process involves encrypting data before transmission or storage and decrypting it when accessed by authorized users.

Encryption provides a strong layer of security and is especially important when dealing with sensitive or confidential data, such as financial records, customer information, or intellectual property.

Actionable Steps

  • Select encryption algorithms: Choose robust encryption algorithms, such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Triple Data Encryption Standard (3DES), or RSA. Consider the level of security the algorithm provides and its compatibility with your systems.
  • Secure transmission: Use secure protocols like Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) or Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) to encrypt data during transmission over networks. These protocols establish a secure connection between the sender and receiver, preventing eavesdropping or data interception.
  • Encrypt data at rest: Encrypt data when stored on physical or digital devices. This can be achieved through disk-level, file-level, encrypted containers, or virtual drives.
  • Manage encryption keys: Establish proper essential management practices to securely store and manage encryption keys. Encryption keys are essential for encrypting and decrypting data, so protecting them from unauthorized access is essential.
  • Implement access controls: Combine encryption with robust access controls to ensure only authorized individuals can decrypt and access the encrypted data. This includes using strong passwords, multi-factor authentication, and role-based access controls.
  • Test encryption and decryption processes: Regularly test the encryption and decryption processes to ensure their effectiveness and integrity. This involves validating that authorized users can correctly decrypt and access encrypted data.

3 – Utilize Data Archiving Software

Data archiving software provides a comprehensive and efficient solution for managing and storing large volumes of data over extended periods. It offers features such as data deduplication, compression, indexing, and retrieval capabilities that streamline the archiving process and ensure long-term data integrity.

This process is vital for organizations to meet regulatory compliance requirements, optimize storage resources, and facilitate efficient data retrieval when needed.

Actionable Step

  • Research and select archiving software: Conduct thorough research to identify data archiving software that aligns with your requirements.
    Consider factors such as scalability, data deduplication, indexing capabilities, support for various file types, integration with existing systems, and compliance features.
  • Define archiving rules and policies: Determine the criteria for data archiving, including file age, file size, or specific file types.
    Establish archiving rules and policies based on these criteria to automate the process.
    This ensures consistent and systematic archiving of data.
  • Monitor and manage the archiving process: Regularly monitor it to ensure smooth operation. Review logs, error reports, and storage capacity to identify issues or potential improvements.
    Make necessary adjustments to the archiving rules or configurations as required.

4 – Enable Multi-factor Authentication

Enabling multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds an extra layer of security to protect against unauthorized access.

MFA requires users to provide multiple pieces of evidence to verify their identity before gaining access to the file archive.

Multi-factor authentication involves combining something the user knows (such as a password), something the user has (such as a security token or smartphone), and something the user is (such as biometric authentication).

By implementing MFA, organizations significantly enhance the security of their file archives, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access to sensitive information.

Actionable Steps

  • Select an MFA solution: Research a suitable multi-factor authentication solution that aligns with your organization’s needs. Consider factors such as compatibility with your file archiving system, ease of implementation, and user experience.
  • Choose MFA factors: Select the types of factors users must provide for authentication. Common factors include passwords, security tokens, SMS codes, push notifications, or biometric authentication methods such as fingerprint or facial recognition.
  • Set up MFA for user accounts: Instruct users to configure their accounts with MFA by following the instructions. This typically involves linking their accounts with the chosen MFA factors, such as installing an authentication app, registering a security token, or setting up biometric authentication.
  • Test MFA functionality: Verify the MFA functionality by testing the authentication process with a sample user account. Ensure that the system prompts for the required factors and successfully grants access upon successful authentication.

5 – Use Secure Off-Site Storage

Using secure, off-site storage is a crucial best practice for file archiving as it provides additional protection against data loss, disasters, and physical theft.

Off-site storage involves storing copies of your archived files separately from your primary storage.

This practice ensures that even if your on-site storage experiences damage or loss, your archived data remains safe and accessible.

Off-site storage facilities are designed to provide secure environments with controlled access, climate control, fire suppression systems, and robust physical security measures.

Implementing off-site storage for file archiving is essential for data protection, business continuity, and compliance with regulatory requirements.

Actionable Steps

  • Choose a reputable off-site storage provider: Research and select a reputable off-site storage provider that offers secure facilities, appropriate storage options, and meets your specific archiving needs.
    Consider physical security, climate control, disaster recovery capabilities, and compliance with relevant regulations.
  • Assess storage requirements: Determine the storage space needed for your archived files. Consider factors such as data volume, anticipated growth, and retention periods.
    Ensure that the off-site storage provider can accommodate your storage needs.
  • Establish data transfer mechanisms: Determine the methods for transferring data to the off-site storage location.
    This can involve using encrypted connections, secure file transfer protocols, or physical shipment of storage media.
  • Document and track archived files: Maintain an inventory or catalog of the archived and stored off-site files.
    This documentation helps you track what data is stored, its location, and any relevant metadata associated with the files.

6 – Risk Assessments

Risk assessment is vital in ensuring the security, integrity, and accessibility of archived files, making it an indispensable part of effective information management.

It involves a systematic process of identifying, evaluating, and prioritizing potential risks associated with storing and managing files.

Risk assessments enable organizations to identify and understand the potential risks they face proactively.

By analyzing various factors such as file formats, storage mediums, access controls, and environmental conditions, organizations can identify vulnerabilities and threats that may compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of archived files.

This helps devise appropriate risk mitigation strategies and implement robust controls to minimize potential harm.

Secondly, risk assessment provides a framework for prioritizing risks based on their potential impact and likelihood of occurrence.

Not all risks are equal, and organizations must allocate their resources effectively to address the most critical risks first.

By assessing risks in a structured manner, organizations can determine which risks require immediate attention and which can be managed through preventive measures or contingency plans.

This enables organizations to make informed decisions, allocate resources efficiently, and focus on mitigating the most significant risks to their file archives.

Actionable Steps

  • Identify the stakeholders: Determine the individuals or teams involved in the file archiving process, such as IT personnel, records managers, and compliance officers.
    Ensure their participation throughout the risk assessment process.
  • Define the scope: Establish the boundaries and objectives of the risk assessment.
    Determine the specific file archives, storage systems, and related processes to be included in the assessment.
  • Identify potential risks: Conduct a thorough analysis of the file archiving ecosystem to identify potential risks.
    Consider factors such as unauthorized access, data corruption, hardware failures, natural disasters, and compliance breaches.
  • Analyze controls: Assess the effectiveness of existing controls and safeguards in mitigating identified risks.
    Identify any gaps or weaknesses in the control measures and determine whether additional measures are required.
  • Develop mitigation strategies: Develop appropriate risk mitigation strategies for high-priority risks.
    This may involve implementing technical controls, updating policies and procedures, enhancing training programs, or considering insurance options.

7 – Use Anti-Malware Software and Firewalls

The process of archiving files presents certain security risks.

This is where the use of anti-malware software and firewalls becomes essential.

Anti-malware software plays a pivotal role in file archiving by actively scanning and detecting malicious software, such as viruses, worms, and Trojans, that may be embedded within files.

By implementing real-time scanning, scheduled scans, and on-access protection, anti-malware software ensures that any potentially harmful files are identified and eliminated before compromising the integrity of the archived data.

This proactive approach helps to safeguard the stored files against unauthorized access, data breaches, and potential damage.

Furthermore, firewalls provide an additional layer of defense by monitoring and controlling incoming and outgoing network traffic.

Regarding file archiving, firewalls can prevent hackers or malware from infiltrating the system through network vulnerabilities, ensuring the archived files remain protected from unauthorized modifications or deletions.

Actionable Steps

  • Select and install reputable anti-malware software: Research a reliable solution that suits your needs.
    Install the software on all relevant devices that will be used for file archiving.
  • Configure the anti-malware software: Customize the software’s settings to enable real-time scanning and scheduled scans.
    Set up automatic updates to ensure the software has the latest virus definitions to detect and eliminate new threats.
  • Regularly scan archived files: Perform scheduled scans on the archived files to detect any malware that may have been missed during the initial archiving process.
    Quarantine or delete any infected files found to prevent further spread.
  • Implement a firewall: Set up a firewall on your network to regulate inbound and outbound traffic.
    Configure the firewall to block unauthorized access attempts and only allow necessary connections.
    Regularly update the firewall software with the latest security patches and enhancements.

8 – Establish a Disaster Recovery Plan

A disaster recovery plan encompasses a set of strategies, procedures, and technologies that minimize downtime and data loss, allowing you to restore normal operations and access your archived files quickly.

A comprehensive disaster recovery plan is a crucial best practice for file archiving.

This process ensures that your valuable data is protected and recoverable during a disaster or system failure.

It safeguards against unforeseen events such as natural disasters, cyberattacks, hardware failures, or human errors that could lead to data loss or corruption.

Additionally, a disaster recovery plan enhances business continuity by reducing downtime.

Time is essential when recovering from a disaster, and a practical plan enables swift recovery, minimizing the impact on productivity, revenue, and customer satisfaction.

Actionable Steps

  • Assess and prioritize: Evaluate the criticality and sensitivity of your archived files.
    Identify the essential data and prioritize its recovery and restoration.
  • Define recovery objectives: Determine your Recovery Time Objective (RTO), which is the maximum acceptable downtime, and your Recovery Point Objective (RPO), which is the maximum acceptable data loss.
    These objectives will guide your planning and help you select appropriate recovery strategies.
  • Select suitable backup solutions: Choose reliable backup technologies and methodologies that align with your recovery objectives.
    Consider regular data backups, off-site storage, cloud-based solutions, and redundant systems.
  • Test your backups: Regularly test the effectiveness of your backups by performing restoration exercises.
    Validate the recovery process to ensure your archived files can be retrieved and restored.
  • Document the recovery plan: Create a detailed document that outlines the steps and procedures to follow in the event of a disaster.
    Include contact information for key personnel, recovery workflows, and any necessary passwords or credentials.

9 – Adhere to Industry-specific Compliance Standards

Adhering to industry-specific compliance involves following rules, regulations, and guidelines specific to the industry in which an organization operates.

These standards ensure that files are stored, managed, and accessed in a manner that meets legal and regulatory requirements and industry-specific security and privacy standards.

The process begins with a comprehensive assessment of the organization’s compliance needs.

This includes identifying the relevant laws, regulations, and industry guidelines that apply to the organization’s file archiving practices.

Once the requirements are determined, the organization must establish a transparent and robust file archiving policy that outlines the procedures and protocols for storing, retaining, and disposing of files in a compliant manner.

Industry-specific compliance standards also involve implementing appropriate security measures to protect sensitive and confidential information within the archived files.

This may include encryption, access controls, user authentication, and regular security audits.

Compliance monitoring and auditing processes should be implemented to ensure ongoing adherence to the standards, with regular reviews and updates to the file archiving policy as needed.

Actionable Steps

  • Conduct a thorough assessment: Identify the relevant laws, regulations, and industry guidelines that pertain to file archiving in your industry.
    Determine the specific compliance requirements for your organization.
  • Develop a file archiving policy: Create a comprehensive policy outlining the file storage, retention, and disposal procedures.
    Include specific guidelines for handling sensitive information, privacy protection, and security measures.
  • Implement security measures: Implement appropriate security controls, such as encryption, access controls, and user authentication, to safeguard the archived files.
    Regularly update and maintain these security measures to address emerging threats.
  • Train employees: Provide training and awareness programs to ensure they understand the file archiving policy and compliance requirements.
    To maintain compliance, educate them on adequately handling, storing, and retrieving files.
  • Update and adapt: Stay up to date with changes in relevant laws, regulations, and industry guidelines.
    Regularly review and update the file archiving policy to reflect these changes.
    Ensure that any modifications are effectively communicated to employees.


Keeping data secure is more than just an IT issue; it’s a business imperative.

By following these best practices for secure data archiving and protection, you’re building a robust defense against cyber threats, reducing risks, and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations.

Remember, your data is invaluable; protecting it doesn’t have to be complicated.

Tools like ShareArchiver make it easy to implement secure data archiving, ensuring your data is safe, accessible, and optimized.

Experience the peace of mind associated with secure data archiving.

Don’t wait for a cyber incident to make you realize the importance of secure data protection.

Act now, and give your data the protection it deserves.

Sign up for ShareArchiver today and take your first step towards secure data archiving and protection.