Data to Insights: Intelligent Document Processing Guide

Intelligent Document Processing

Every day, we create and come across tons of data. Think about all the emails, reports, photos, and videos. It’s a lot! But just having this data isn’t enough. We need to understand it, sort it, and use it in the best way possible. That’s where Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) comes in. 

It’s like a smart helper for all our data needs. At ShareArchiver, we understand the significance of this transition. Our journey began with offering state-of-the-art file archiving solutions, ensuring businesses could store their data efficiently. In this guide, we’ll explore what IDP is, why it’s special, and how it’s changing how we handle data for the better.

How Did We Handle Documents Before?

Before all the fancy tech and tools we have today, handling documents was much more hands-on. People would manually sort through papers, type up reports, and file them away in big cabinets. If you needed to find something, you’d have to dig through folders and hope it was where it should be. Mistakes happened, papers got lost, and things took a lot of time.

Computers have made things easier. We started saving documents digitally, which meant no more messy desks filled with papers. But even then, as the amount of digital files grew, finding the right document or data could be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

That’s why we needed a smarter way to handle all this data. A way that could help us sort, understand, and use our documents without all the hassle. And that’s where Intelligent Document Processing comes in.

What’s Special About IDP?

Intelligent Document Processing, or IDP for short, is like giving superpowers to how we handle documents. Instead of just storing data, IDP understands it. Here’s what makes it stand out:

Smart Sorting:

Imagine having a helper that can instantly sort all your documents into the right folders without you telling it where to put them. That’s IDP for you.

Quick Understanding: 

IDP doesn’t just see words and numbers; it understands them. It can read a document and know what it’s about, whether it’s an invoice, a letter, or a report.

Learning on the Go: 

The more IDP works, the smarter it gets. It learns from any mistakes and gets better at its job over time.

Easy Searching: 

Forget spending hours looking for a document. With IDP, you can find what you need in seconds. It’s like having a search engine just for your files.

Safe and Secure: 

IDP also makes sure your documents are safe. It can spot any unusual activity and keep your data protected.

Helping the Environment:

With IDP, there’s less need for paper documents. This means fewer trees cut down and a smaller carbon footprint. It’s a win for businesses and the planet!

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Helping All Kinds of Industries: 

It’s not just tech companies that benefit. IDP is making things easier for everyone, from hospitals to schools and small businesses. Even industries that aren’t very tech-savvy are finding ways to use IDP to their advantage.

In simple terms, IDP is like having a super-smart assistant for all your document needs. It saves time, reduces mistakes, and makes handling data a breeze. Now, let’s look at the components that make Intelligent Document Processing possible. 

The Role of File Data Analytics in Modern Business

At its core, file data analytics involves examining stored files to understand patterns, trends, and valuable insights. It’s not just about seeing what’s there but interpreting what it means.

Traditional storage methods were static, focusing only on keeping data. This data comes alive with analytics, revealing patterns and offering actionable insights. For instance, analytics can show which documents are accessed most frequently or which files take up unnecessary storage space.

File data analytics has a wide range of applications. For instance, businesses can identify outdated files that can be archived, optimize storage allocation based on usage patterns, or even ensure compliance by tracking document access and modifications.

File Storage Optimization: Making the Most of Your Storage Space

As data grows exponentially, businesses face the challenge of storing it efficiently. File storage optimization is the answer to this challenge, ensuring that data is stored in a way that maximizes space, reduces costs, and enhances accessibility.

With increasing data comes the need for more storage. However, simply adding more storage isn’t always the best solution. Optimization ensures that every bit of storage space is used effectively.

Techniques and Tools for Optimization:

  • De-duplication: Removing duplicate files or data blocks to free up space.
  • Compression: Reducing the size of files without losing essential information.
  • Tiered Storage: Storing data based on its importance and access frequency, ensuring that critical data is readily available.

Benefits of Optimized Storage:

  • Cost Savings: 

Efficient storage means less need for additional infrastructure and significant cost savings.

  • Improved Performance: 

Optimized storage systems run smoother and faster, enhancing overall system performance.

  • Enhanced Data Retrieval: 

A well-organized storage system makes finding and accessing data quicker and more straightforward.

File Server Archiving: Streamlining Data Management for the Future

File Server Archiving (FSA) is a process that helps manage and optimize data storage on file servers. As businesses and organizations generate and accumulate vast amounts of data over time, it becomes essential to manage this data efficiently to ensure smooth operations, compliance, and cost savings. Here’s a breakdown of what File Server Archiving entails:

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Before archiving, the data archiving software classifies data based on various parameters like age, last accessed date, file type, and more. This helps determine which files should be archived and which should remain readily accessible.

Files deemed suitable for archiving are moved from primary storage (like an active file server) to secondary storage solutions. Depending on the organization’s needs, this secondary storage can be cloud-based, on-premises, or a hybrid solution. Archived files are kept in a format that ensures their integrity and readability, even after long periods.

Intelligent Data Processing Workflow Explained

The Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) workflow is a series of steps that combine various technologies to capture, process, and extract meaningful information from documents. Here’s a breakdown of a typical IDP workflow:

1. Document Ingestion:

  • Source: Documents can be sourced from various channels, including email attachments, scanners, cloud storage, web forms, and more.
  • Format: IDP can handle multiple formats like PDFs, images, Word documents, etc.

2. Pre-processing:

  • Image Enhancement: If the document is an image (like a scanned document), it might need enhancements to improve readability. This can include adjusting brightness/contrast, removing noise, and deskewing.
  • Document Classification: At this stage, the system identifies the document type (e.g., invoice, contract, medical record) to determine the appropriate extraction template or method to use.

3. Data Extraction:

  • OCR (Optical Character Recognition): This technology converts different types of documents, especially scanned images, into machine-readable text.
  • Data Identification: Using predefined templates or machine learning models, the system identifies and extracts specific data points from the document, such as names, dates, amounts, or other relevant information.

4. Data Processing:

  • NLP (Natural Language Processing): For more complex documents, NLP can be used to understand the context, sentiment, or intent of the content.
  • Validation: The extracted data is validated for accuracy. This can be done using predefined rules, cross-referencing with other data sources, or manual review.

5. Post-processing:

  • Data Structuring: The extracted data is structured into a format suitable for further processing or analysis, like JSON, XML, or CSV.
  • Integration: The structured data is then integrated into other systems, such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management), or other relevant business systems.

6. Analysis and Reporting:

The processed data can be analyzed to derive insights, generate reports, or trigger specific business workflows.

7. Continuous Learning:

As the IDP system processes more documents, it learns from corrections or feedback, improving its accuracy over time. This is especially true for systems that incorporate machine learning.

8. Storage and Archiving:

Once processed, the original documents and the extracted data can be stored or archived based on the organization’s data retention policies.

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Security and compliance are paramount throughout this workflow, ensuring that data privacy standards are met, and sensitive information is protected.

Intelligent Document Processing Use Cases

IDP Use Cases

Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) revolutionizes how businesses handle and process documents. By leveraging technologies like Optical Character Recognition (OCR), Machine Learning (ML), and Natural Language Processing (NLP), IDP automates the extraction, processing, and analysis of data from documents. Here are some of the top use cases for IDP:

1. Invoice Processing: 

IDP can automatically extract data from invoices, such as vendor details, invoice numbers, dates, and amounts. This speeds up the accounts payable process, reduces errors, and ensures timely payments.

2. Contract Analysis:

IDP can scan contracts to extract key terms, conditions, and clauses. This aids in faster contract reviews, risk assessments, and compliance checks.

3. Customer Onboarding:

For industries like banking and insurance, IDP can streamline the customer onboarding process by extracting data from identification documents, application forms, and other relevant paperwork.

4. Claims Processing:

Insurance companies can use IDP to automate data extraction from claim forms, medical reports, and other related documents, speeding up claim settlements and improving customer satisfaction.

5. Mailroom Automation:

Organizations can use IDP to automatically sort, categorize, and extract data from incoming mail, physical or electronic.

6. Human Resources and Resume Screening:

HR departments can leverage IDP to scan resumes, extracting relevant details like qualifications, experience, and skills, aiding in faster and more efficient candidate screening.

7. Bank Statement Analysis:

Financial institutions and lenders can use IDP to extract transaction details from bank statements, aiding in credit assessments and financial analysis.

8. Medical Record Digitization:

Healthcare providers can use IDP to convert paper-based medical records into digital formats, extracting patient details, medical histories, and treatment plans.

9. Real Estate Document Processing:

IDP can assist in extracting data from property documents, lease agreements, and other related paperwork, streamlining property management and sales processes.

10. Regulatory Compliance and Reporting:

Businesses can use IDP to ensure that they comply with industry regulations by extracting and analyzing data from various documents and generating compliance reports.


Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) is changing the way we handle data. Instead of spending hours sorting through papers and files, IDP does the heavy lifting, making things faster and easier. By using smart tools, businesses can quickly turn piles of documents into useful information. In short, IDP is like a helpful assistant, making our data tasks simpler and more efficient.