Why Data Storage Matters to Construction Companies

The way construction companies store data has changed dramatically over the past few decades. A business that was once operated with paper and pencils has gone digital, using computers, tablets, laser measures, and 3D printers as tools of the trade. Building plans can be modified, scanned, and transmitted directly to a job site in the blink of an eye and communication happens in real time, dramatically improving efficiency.

All of this incredible new construction technology does bring big storage needs, meaning construction companies need effective digital structures and data storage solutions to help them manage their constantly increasing flow of data.

Storing Specialized Construction Data

Construction companies use highly specialized data such as blueprints, time sheets, and technical information. These types of data may be prepared on a variety of platforms and need to be easily shared and accessed throughout the enterprise. Data volumes can quickly fill primary storage, particularly when these large data types are unstructured.

These blueprints and details need to be retained for a long period of time and may even be referenced in other projects. That’s where having efficient data storage management helps. Rather than continuing to purchase additional storage to accommodate growing data volumes, data storage solutions let you:

  • Save by migrating older data to the less expensive storage
  • Access data seamlessly across devices, anytime, from anywhere
  • Reduce backup times for your primary data server

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Analyzing Archived Construction Data

The more data your construction company has, the more data you will be storing. An effective data storage solutions will not only provide you with simplified data access to improve productivity but will also help you analyze the data you have stored to see how it is being used.

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In order to get the most value out of your data as it is created by different employees, vendors, subcontractors, and designers, you need to break it down. Construction data storage solutions help you analyze what data is retrieved, who is using it, and how often it is accessed, helping to dictate effective file archiving policies and improve your bottom line.

Managing Data More Efficiently

Construction companies that take advantage of data storage solutions keep costs low and achieve the benefits of efficiency and productivity without the added expenses of system maintenance and upfront capital expenditures for hardware. These cost savings go far beyond day-to-day operations, including:

  • Built-in disaster recovery
  • Easy document retrieval
  • Secure data storage and management

In each of these scenarios, an effective storage management solution provides an immediate benefit. Disaster recovery optimization helps construction companies recover valuable data quickly in the event of an emergency, robust e-discovery tools make data searching and retrieval quick and easy, and effective encryption technologies ensure the security of your data, as it is only available to those with authorization.

Let us match your company’s size and goals with a scalable data storage solutions that work for you. Contact us today to learn more or get a free quote.