3 Steps to Better Data Storage for Gaming Companies

The gaming industry has been one of the fastest-growing in history. Global video game sales have far-exceeded $100 billion per year, and there is an expected 30% rate of growth over the next five years. With roughly 155 million Americans playing video games and four out of five households owning some kind of gaming device, the industry relies heavily on effective data storage both for the internal purpose of game development and increased monetization and for enhanced accessibility to improve user experience and keep players coming back. This is why it is critical for gaming companies to provide immediate, seamless accessibility, coherent analysis, and maximum productivity through proper data storage management.

Here are 3 steps to better data storage for gaming companies:

Make Better Use of Unstructured Data

The gaming industry collects data from a variety of sources in order to meet a variety of goals. They want to learn what is making gamers happy so that they can keep them engaged and spending money on games. They also want to continue to develop additional games to broaden their market share and attract new users.

There is a massive amount of unstructured data that is involved in this quest, and it goes far beyond players’ online accounts. Game logs, for example, reveal player actions and social media and web analytics show specific user behavior patterns and demographic information. Gaming companies collect this information based on responses to in-game advertising, payment information, multiplayer interactions, and real-time events, and developers need it to be able to analyze and react to this information in a way that most effectively monetizes their product.

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Scale Data Storage to Match the Workload

The gaming industry is global, and it is essential to every region to provide a hosting environment that is highly flexible and can meet the needs of both a well-established workload and unpredictable demand. One way to achieve this is by utilizing a hybrid environment that includes localized and cloud-based servers. This type of scalable solution allows users to get fast, reliable, and optimized delivery paired with a flawless experience that keeps them satisfied so they continue to make purchases.

Ensure Data Security and Compliance

The gaming industry is one of the most competitive in the world, which is why hackers are constantly searching for advantages through backdoor vulnerabilities. On top of this fact, gaming companies also hold the sensitive billing information of millions of their users. These threats require strict data storage security, encryption, and encryption key management to ensure data security and compliance.

Finding the Right Data Storage Management Solution

Proper data storage management for gaming companies is serious, especially with thousands of new developers entering the arena every day. Though the number of potential customers may seem limitless, each gamer has only so many hours in a day to play, and that means that you need to make sure you have the tools to provide them with the best possible experience, as well as to give you the flexibility and cost-effectiveness to deliver a world-class product. ShareArchiver offers an affordable, scalable data storage solution to meet your accessibility, security, and flexibility needs.